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The New England Region of the Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society serves the 58 college-based chapters located in Connecticut, Massachusetts, Maine, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, and Vermont.

Chartered as its own region in 1987, New England is one of 29 regions that make up the Phi Theta Kappa organization. It is one of the six regions in Division I, along with the Carolinas, the Middle States (our sister region), New York, Ohio, and Virginia.

Mission Statement

The New England Region assists chapters with furthering the Society’s ideals amongst their membership, colleges, and communities through the use of Phi Theta Kappa programming. It accomplishes this through personal involvement with each chapter, communication facilitation with Phi Theta Kappa International, and special programs and events throughout the year.

The members of the New England Region are served by a peer-elected student officer team, a regional coordinator appointed by Phi Theta Kappa International, the Regional Advisory Board, and the New England Region Alumni Association.​

The New England Region

We, the NERO team, aspire to engage an active, nurturing, and motivating academic environment that encourages meaningful connections to the world around us.  We aim to accomplish this with personal transformation while making connections socially and scholastically by having a mutual respect for ourselves and each other.


2016-2017 Goals

  1. Increase awareness and current membership acceptance rates for Phi Theta Kappa

    • Bring to 15% or exceed acceptance rate overall per state

  2. Increase chapter participation in the 5-star chapter development plan by 1 star and maintain the 5-star chapters

    • 50% of the chapters participate

  3. Increase participation in Competitive Edge.

    • Increase by 10% from 2015 participation

  4. Increase chapter participation at regional events.

    • At least 50% attendance at regional events altogether

  5. Increase chapter participation in the Hallmark Awards

    • Bring to 25% chapter participation overall


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